29 September, 2010

Can't stop crying

I just went over to Lee to see what the story is re. breakfast on Friday and when exactly are they moving to Australia.  Whilst talking to her it hit me.  One of my best mates (and her lovely family) are moving to the other side of the world.  Now I can't stop crying.  I am utterly, utterly heartbroken.  Seriously, my heart hurts and I can't stop crying.  Trying to be a big girl and talk sense into myself but I've known her for, ooh, 4 years (not many some would say) but she's had a huge impact on my life.
She's brought me to the hospital with concussion.  I've brought her with same.  I've brought Gwen with a broken collarbone and we've both put Gwen to bed lol.  She held my hand whilst I was drunk in Lara's trying to give up minding Charlie and well, we obviously drink too much.  Sometimes.  We have laughed and cried together.  Picniced and paddled and gone to the zoo and I am so going to miss her crazy cackle.  Sodding time difference means it'll be fucking impossible to have a drink whilst talking on the phone.  Unless one of us is going to start drinking in the daytime haha.
Aaaaagh, my heart hurts. 

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