16 July, 2010

Berry picking

On Tuesday, when I really shouldn't have as it was a long drive and I'm sore we went to Rathfarnham and went berry picking at a pick your own farm.  This is one of the best things you can do with your kids as they blatantly look up at the guy they're paying, at the end of the day, for their haul and through berry stained faces promise they didn't eat any.  
I rang them around 9.15 in the morning and asked if there were any raspberries yet and was told 'Yeah, first day, loads of cars, get here by ten!!!!!'  Shoved all the kids into the car and legged it to Rathfarnham.  Yer man wasn't lying.  The place was heaving with people.  People drooling at the thoughts of homemade jam and icecream and whatever you're having yourself.  No-one was allowed to leave the shed (think garden) until bang on 10am.  This is the first time (and only our third visit) where we saw so many cars.  The farmer stood on the bench and said 'this bucket, full to the brim, will cost you €24', go find yer berries.  Bloody hell.  It was mental.  I thought I was going to pas out.  Trying to leg it past all these auld wans and their sharp elbows up the hill.  Tis very, VERY, hard to push a buggy up a grass hill with two small children attached to either side of it (nevermind the one IN it).  Seriously, thought I was going to die.  I thought I was fit(ish).  I'm not.  I think it's time I accept that.
We had a howl.  You could see people splitting up, each grabbing a strip of bushes.  Those with nettles growing through them were given a wide berth.  But Harry, ever the trooper, said 'Ha!  I see dock leaves!  I do not fear nettles' or something along those lines.  The boy who we borrow was not impressed with raspberries and Arthur was NOT NOT NOT impressed with being bitten by some big fly thing.  Oscar felt so bad for Arthur being bitten he started crying.  His brother was hurt, god love him.  My arse.  He was crying cos he was afraid he was going to be bitten too.
We made a huge haul.  €12 for enough raspberries to make 4 pots of jam and give enough to make another 2 pots away.  €5 for strawberries, great on breakfast and great for icecream.  Yummy.

Yeah, I see it.  Oscar looks bloody possessed.

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