17 May, 2012

Marzipan Jesus'. Blasphemy and Baking in the 21st Century

You know how I make cakes?  No?  Well I do.  Some are wonderful, some aren't so wonderful and occasionally I even look at some of them and go 'wha'??'
Recently I had a phone call asking me to make a Communion cake with a crucifix on it.  I asked 'a cross?' and she said 'No.  A crucifix.  With Jesus on!!'.
'Oh', says I.  
I then tried to encourage her to have maybe a cross shape on the cake (if that's what you're into yourself) made from flowers or have a cake with flowers on it and a cross shape cleared out in the middle of them.
'No!!!' she says.
She wanted an upright cross with Jesus on it for her daughter/son's communion.  
Is that weird or is it just me?  I tried explaining that my figures are cartoon-y (despite my best efforts) and that I thought a crucifix was a bit funereal.  
She hung up on me, but only after giving me a bollocking about how she knows what she wants and if I'm not up to the job . .  well, don't do it then.
Told her I was up to the job but I felt my Jesus may look like Wallace and she may be insulted.
She hung up.
Just for my own peace of mind I'm going to make a Jesus on a cross/crucifix (when is a cross a crucifix?  Is it when it has little people on it??) and a tenner says it looks like Wallace.

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