10 January, 2013

Running? Meh!

Ugh.  Two people, on the same day said to me 'I'm going to do the couch to 5K, you are going to do it too!"    Two of them!  How unlucky is that?
One of them, who shall be named Linda, agreed to meet at 7.15 but couldn't meet until 8.45 (at which point I was lying on the floor crying) so myself and Clo went without her.  Holy Jesus but I forgot how much I hate running.  Which is funny because I actually used to enjoy it.  Maybe it was because it was dark and cold and late and . . . any excuse will do. 
I just texted both of them to see if we had to run tonight as it's raining.  I was told by one "You live in Ireland, get used to it" and by the other "think skinny thoughts".  I told both of them to fuck off.  
I want to be thin, to the extent that I am having potato and celeriac soup whilst the kids have sausage sambos for lunch but I don't want to run.  I don't want to run in the rain either.
Clo kind've skips along.  Nervously after a while as I sound very threatening, plodding along behind, panting and doing my best Darth Vader impression,  Ugh.
Mind you, at least I can run without peeing, eh Linda?  

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