26 August, 2010


Has anyone ever had a grudge against someone?  I get angry at someone and swear blind that 'never again' will I be a fool for them etc.  But I forget.  I am kinda holding a, hmm, what to call it?  Basically, a mate's partner was bold and I am angry at him because he tries to make people think he is better than all around him and he is a good man etc.  When basically, he's just someone who cocked up.  It's not my relationship so I let them get on with it.  I get irked when I'm preached at but what the hey, right?
I do keep grudges against D, my man about the house, but they're usually for indescretions like going on the piss and forgetting to come home (once), not putting the rubbish out (many times) and ... well, that's it.  If I wanted I could have a HUGE grudge against him but what's the point.  Life is life.  You just get stuck if you have to remember all those things that people do.  I think they can twist your head and make you bitter and cynical.  Therefore I'm fascinated by people remembering of little things and adding them up to see if you can make a big list
I know one persn who is constantly reminding her friend's partner that she knows what hes like and that if he ever does it again etc. etc. but surely it's not her place?  I mean, if the person in question is happy why hold a grudge on their behalf?
I don't hold grudges.  Apart from anything I am developing a bad memory, but life is toooooo short.  Also, do yo really, really know why/what/where happened?  People have an awful habit, me included, of forgetting the nice things that friends do for you and instead focus on the negatives and that is a shame.

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