13 October, 2010

Friday, 8th October - London BABY!!!!!!

Yay for D. He organised a trip for the pair of us, in celebration of our tenth wedding anniversary, to London!!! Originally, ten years and minus 3 kids agao, we planned to go back to NYC and really go for it. Y'see, I was a bit of a slapper and got knocked up before the wedding. Therefore I had morning sickness that lasted all night and couldn't drink and . . . well, NY was great but it could've been even better for me. But, life says we cannot afford to go back there so London it is. Whooohooooo. I love London. It was brilliant. I thought I was going to Kilkenny with the girls for G's birthday but instead I went to London. I love London. Have I said that before??
Stayed in a fabulous (dahling) boutique hotel called the Indigo that is right beside Paddington Station. Home of the bear y'know. So we got there, dumped our bags and went to the Millenium Cafe for what D promised was the best breakfast in the world. He was right. We went there on Sat. too as it was so good. Shame they didn't open on Sundays 'cos that would've been heaven. There is nothing flash about the place. You get your tea in a mug, milked and with teabag still in it but it's proper tea. Strong tea. My kinda tea. Plus, when you put your saucer over it, it stays just right until you're finished stuffing your face and ready to drink it.
From there we went to Liberty. I have wanted to go there for ages and it was so worth the wait ("so worth the wait"? - I sound like a 9 year old girl??). It really is like falling down the rabbit hole in Alice in Wonderland. It's huge, goes on forever and filled with beautiful things. Beautiful things that included a paper boat lamp that I want. WANT. But. . . didn't buy. Balls. Misjudgement there eh?
Then we went to . . . Anthropologie, it's alright. Pretty to look at but too expensive.
From there to Chinatown where I finally got a waving cat. Apparently they invite money into the house (never a bad thing) but I just think they're cool. When I was there I also bought some finger traps for the kids (which caused them all to freak out when they couldn't get their fingers out, paniced so much that they had to be cut out of them) and some chinese coins (another money thing) and when I was going the guy game me a fortune cracker ("this for you, that for man outside" - hope he meant D as that's who I gave it to). This is what mine said:
You have a wonderful ability to always see the beauty in life. Never lose this.
D's said:
Adjust finances. Make budgets, to improve your standing.
How deadly is that???? How true is that? How spooky is that. Whooohooooohooo (sorry, that's me doing a spooky noise, didn't work did it?).
Back to hotel for a magnificent shower. Hotels have the best showers don't they? Also, this was our first goo at the room. It was frickin' brilliant. It came with Interiors Magazines!!!! Seriously, it was like they knew me lol. The bed was so high I could only get into it by climbing onto chaise at the bottom of bed and crawling onto bed. Proper sex-kitten-like.
So, quick shower, goo at room and then out for the Jack the Ripper walk. Really interesting. What I found especially fascinating was how Adam (our guide, the other fella was called Paul - which we found amusing cos of the film) talked about the lives the women had. Everyone drank to blot out the grimness of their lot. And a shag against a wall cost 4p. So did a bed in a dosshouse. He was never caught and was a vicious bastard.
From there we went back to Chinatown to the Four Seasons where we sat beside a couple who appeared to not really know each other. She didn't look up from her grub once and kept nicking food from his plate and saying "num num num num" as she did it!! His accent kept changing. She was American, num num num. They split the bill down to the tip. When he went to the loo she nicked more duck off his plate (cue num num num num-ing) and sang to herself.
Got back to hotel and collapsed into bed. Haven't walked that far in ages. D. fell onto the bed and didn't move until the following morning when I woke him up. I, on the other hand, was wide awake at 7am. Shite! A friend reckons it's because my brain registered the silence and panicked. Wondered why it was so quiet etc. Think she might be on to something.
I love London,
View from Plane, 'cos I am that sad.
Site of best breakfast in the world EVER
The lamp in Liberty that I should've bought.
How cool are these mags?  In a hotel bedroom?!
Our lovely bedroom.  Oh how I miss it. 
I love Chinatown, also love toilets.

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