04 February, 2011

Oh so ready for sleep

Jesus, I sound like a right moany whingy cow.  I'm not normally.  Promise.  You don't believe me, do you?

Today has got to be one of the strangest days ever.  It started at 2am with #3 roaring and crying.  Followed closely by #2 snarling "there's nothing wrong with him, he just kicked his blankets off", which, sure enough, was the case.  Then # 2 got snappy as his feet were hot??  I, by the way, was only listening to this.  Himself was dealing with it all as he stays up later and gotten waylaid on the way to bed.
So I was upstairs listening to the kids whining and the wind whining and lashing against the house.  Something very comforting about being all snug and warm in your bed when the weather is creating havoc.  
Something very unfair about getting up at 6am to finish the fairy cupcakes you're making for the day's market.  Especially when it's very, very windy.  Got to the market to find no one there, they'd made like wombles and gone underground.  Into the local hotel's carpark.  Underground!!!  I hate being underground.  I hate being underground with a great bloody building on top of me.  Never mind the books (it's a library) or the people or the cars on the street.  Ugh, hate being underground.
Whilst waiting to set up I got chatting to someone who also has a stall, she remarked on me being tired or something and I blamed the kids.  She said the strangest thing ever, which is: "Kids ruin your life".  Now, I know they can seriously ruin your social life but they don't ruin your life.  They can ruin your car, paintwork in house, your hips, your arse, your sense of humour, your . . etc. etc.  But they don't ruin your life.  Hadn't the heart to tell her that a sleepless night was nothing.  I mean, if that's kids ruining your life I suggest she not have any. 
# 2 didn't get invited to a birthday party today.  The kid in question was giving out invitations before school and # 2 followed him around hopefully.  In vain.  Oh but that hurts.  So glad it was Himself doing the drop off I wouldn't have been able to take it.  The last two parties he's been invited to he's had to miss as we were away.  Poor # 2.  Actually, right now he's trashing # 3 at some game so he's obviously not heartbroken.  I am!  My poor wee man.  That's how kids ruin things.  Other people's kids!
Also got talking to someone today and . .  she didn't have a good thing to say about anything.  No matter what you said she kind've pissed on it.  Travel?  You'll get bored with it.  TV?  Nothing on!  Movies?  All shit?  Good chocolate in baking?  Waste of time!!!!!
Then Himself arrived with a parcel for me.  A parcel from a fellow blogger.  A parcel containing my beautiful new apron.  Will take a photo of it later but trust me when I say it's gorgeous.
So, we sold lots of cakes but not as many as last week (probably because we had gone underground!) but we did get approached by a lovely woman called Joyce who asked if we were interested in taking part in a new market in Malahide?!  We can't sell cupcakes (not bovvered) but can sell our jars of biscuit mix and anything else we can come up with that isn't cupcake(ish).  To date I've come up with:
Peanut butter cups
S'mores on a stick.
Snickerdoodle biscuits
Apple snickerdoodle biscuits (I love the snickerdoodle)
Oreo individual cheesecakes.
Raspberry and white chocolate individual cheesecakes.
My lovely chocolate biscuit cake.
Meringue roses ... . 
. . .  and on and on.  That doesn't even begin to be a list.  Wait til I tell you what Mo is planning.
Why is it, I'm so excited about this and so terrified too?  I know I was talking about this yesterday but . . . next week, starting on Wednesday I will be doing the following: having a coffee with Himself, possibly in Jungle, going to kickboxing, Thursday?  Probably in Jungle, baking for Friday, minding the borrowed boy.  Friday, in the Market then going out for dinner in my friend's house - no drink for me cos I won't be staying.  Then in to Jungle (probably).  Home and bake like a mad thing for the other market and then on Sunday work in the market.  Go home.  See kids.  Sleep.  Begin again with a trip to Belfast with my lovely friends.  All that and I haven't made a bed, emptied a machine, seen kids, made lunches, eaten lunch, played with kids, gone to a night class and another kickboxing class.  Am I mad?
p.s. # 2 just came over and said he loves me.  I love him too.

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