27 December, 2011


It's that time of year.  The time of year when I try and finalise my Snapfish album.  I'm struggling, I really am.  It turns out, despite my occasional wailings, that we've had a lovely year.  We went to England twice, went to the beach lots and no.3 got his 'icecream thing' on.  His what??  
Okay, so basically every month I am meant to sit down and sort through whatever photos I've taken throughout that month and pick the ones I like best and put them in my album and, at the end of the year, I pay up and my beautiful year is delivered to me.  ME!!  It's my present to myself, because I'm kind've worth it.
While going through the photos over the past few weeks I've noticed that there are tonnes of no. 3 and icecream.  All over Ireland and England, there he is.  No. 3 and icecream.  Mostly cones.  I love it.
Yeah, we did lots this year.  I've noticed the same lovely friends cropping up and some new ones making their first appearance.  
It's been a hard year mentally but you wouldn't know it to look at it so I hope that when the kids are big they'll remember great times and sunshine and sweets and video games and never ending summers and won't be aware of the money worry and bleugh-ness of 2011.
I love looking back at photos of us as kids.  With Eoin getting married this year I looked at a lot to decide which ones to send on to Brazil for his wedding reception surprise.  It looked like we had a great childhood too.  Albeit one where we are nearly all headless.  My ma was brutal at taking photos.  Brutal.  She'd try and fit everyone in but rather than taking a step or two backwards she'd lose the tallest persons head instead.  
Yeah, it's been a good year, if a little worrying.  I made some great new friends and laughed a lot.  Cried a bit but mostly I laughed.  
I came off anti-depressants and, touch wood, it's beyond the longest day of the year and I'm still off 'em.
Himself is working again.  Thankfully in a school with school hours because I'm baffled trying to do it all. How'd I do all this when the kids were small?  
Ms. C had another baby and she is a beauty and my fabulous sister had her first baby.  My Turkish Delight and she is beautiful too.
The brudder got married and his wife is lovely and Brazil is something else.
What else?  Dunno.  Fun.  Laughing.  Good friends.  Good food.  Sunshine.  Ducks.  Cakes.  Broken foot?!  Not broken foot.  Ice cream, No. 1 turning the big one oh and me turning, gulp, 39.  Re-met some wonderful cousins and my lovely aunt and uncle had a surprse party.  There was a gold medal for no. 1 too.  Picnics on Christmas Eve and waaaay too many Christmas Puddins.  
Some friends lost parents and my heart hurt for them.  Some friends emigrated and my heart hurt for me.  
Mostly though, I think I laughed.
So . . to each and every one of you who put up with me I'd like to wish you all a very happy, healthy and wonderful New Year.

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