15 June, 2013

I cried, a little

Have you seen Man of Steel? I have, just back in fact.  I loved every minute of it.  You could actually feel the air pressure in the cinema drop the first time  you see Clarke (Henry Cavill) doing his thing and saving some riggers on a doomed oil rig.  Holy moly, the man is divine.  Haha, funny that I just typed that as there are Messianic nods of the head all over the movie.  Anyway, the man is ripped, gorgeous and I reckon the majority of women sucking in their breath with longing were the origin of that pressure drop.  The guy beside me laughed when I, too, inhaled and 'Wow-ed!' on the out breath.
What made me cry, but only a little, was the image of a young Clarke running around the garden, dog jumping up on him and his pretend, towel, cape flapping behind him.  He reminded me of Oscar.  Oscar lepping around the garden cape flying, or hips (depending on whether he is a hobbit or Michael Jackson) going like the clappers.
Can't take Oz and Arthur to see the movie as they'll shit themselves but wow, I love little boys who wear capes and dance around the garden with their dogs.

1 comment:

  1. Eee... snakes! I just... couldn't! ;) I approve of today's yammies btw. Adam Scott, yes please!
