12 June, 2015

No. 3 turned 10!!!

The baby is, I guess, not a baby anymore.  Which, I guess, means I had better stop calling that extra weight baby fat.  
Yes, the boy and joy turned ten on Wednesday.  The 10th of Summer as he used to call his birthday date when he was little.  Most years, he has been ill for his birthday, I don't know how it happens but he always is.  The most memorable ill birthday was this one, the one with the suppository.  
This year, he has a broken collar bone.  No. 2 pushed him and he fell landing on his shoulder and ... snap.  Three hours in hospital and then . . . well, at this moment in time, I think I've been awake since Monday.  It's now Friday! He is grand during the day but at night, that's where the fun starts.  He moves, a lot, in his sleep.  Everything he moves, the bone wriggles, he screams and I age another few hours.  I'm more grey now than ever.  Well, I was, I coloured my hair yesterday as I was a show.

Yeah, no. 2 pushed no. 3 and then convinced no. 3 to lie about how it all happened.  Apparently the, not very, christian Christian had shoved no. 3 and legged it.  This is the story we were told in the kitchen.  I was all set to leg it after him and rip his arms off when I thought it might be better to get an xray first.  I had just reversed the car and driven around the corner when no. 3, through the snot and tears, told me that it was actually no. 2 that had pushed him and he had gone along with the lie as no. 2 told him, no. 3, that I would give out to all and sundry if it was an in house shoving incident.
You should have seen me reverse back around the corner.  Smooooth. Fit exactly into the space I had left three minutes earlier  No. 2 was playing on the street and, as I came down the road, backwards, you could see him just think 'fuck'.  I got out of the car, pointed to him and simply said 'IN.  NOW'.  Told Himself that the unchristian Christian hadn't pushed no. 3 but no. 2 had.  Gave the shover a bollocking about lying and gave the shovee a bollocking about lying and headed in to Temple Street.

So, his birthday.  He got a videogame (why are they still called that?) and a book I can't pronounce that you read from back to front and right to left?!  He also got to have his birthday tea in the garden.  Billy has a hatred of balloons and Stella is terrified of them.  Also, sad face, this is the last birthday that Fiona and Dilan will be here for.  This time next month they'll be living in Turkey and I'll be an sibling-less in Dublin.  That really is a crock of shite you know.  Smaller world, easier travel, blah, blah just means that everyone lives further away.

Anyway, his birthday, he had cake (bought lol), balloons, pizza and all of us.  Oh, and sunshine.  Gorgeous sunshine.  Perfect, huh?

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